Hi, I have a bug where it just says "take a sit" when doing the coffee shop mission but the shop itself is closed so I can't get inside, I accidentally pressed to do my shift and saved the game stupidly, so can't go back and the auto save is just on the page where I started the shift too. Do I need to restart the game?
Well, since there isnt a locked function, you can probably just go to sleep, and go to Emmas coffee shop next day, theoretically it should work although it is not the way it was intended, hehehe!
Hi, sadly it is locked,.you can't go anywhere other than the coffee shop or else it comes up with a text saying "take a sit" so the game physically cannot continue. I will just stop playing as I spent too much time haha
Hello, sorry but no, Ashley story is that she is a very shy girl and any mistake will permanently close her story, if you miss a date, her story will end. So you will need to load a previously saved game.
Hi! The only cheat the game has is that, in the paid version you can ask for $100 to your dad daily, which is a great help when you start the game. And the paid version has the option to skip any minigame.
Hola que tal! Estoy jugando la version 0.13 en android... y tengo un problema con la historia de Frida! Pregunto a todos en la escuela por sus gustos excepto a Willy ya que no me da nunca esa opcion... puedo avanzar con el resto de historias (Darkness, la Gala, incluso Kana) pero con Frida no... empece una nueva partida y aparentemente pasa lo mismo... alguna ayuda?
Игра шикарна, но жаль что нет русского языка, но если идти на право к Эшли, то можно увидеть уникальный феномен под названием "что за чувак по имени фил?" его можно получить если не начинать вечеринку в лесу. А так, жду русский язык чтобы не ломать голову из-за переводчика)
P.S. Кстати мои замечания обновите модели "меча главного героя" сделать его более анемичным и красивым, просто глаз режется сильно, сделать его как профессиональный хентай художники, а так спасибо за игру)))
Мы используем Google Translate, чтобы отправить вам это сообщение, поэтому извините, если оно выглядит неправильно.
Мы очень ценим ваш комментарий, мы хотели бы перевести игру на разные языки, но к сожалению у нас нет человека, который мог бы это сделать, так как диалогов тысячи строк. И они постоянно обновляются.
Что касается другого вашего комментария, те, кто рисует персонажей, имеют большой опыт, но иногда адаптация его к тому, что мы ищем в игре, усложняет их и получается не так, как мы хотим, даже в этом случае мы всегда стремимся к улучшению и Примите комментарии, которые оставляют нам игроки. Они делают это, чтобы улучшить нашу работу. За что мы Вам большое спасибо и примем Ваше сообщение во внимание.
Hello! is't a bit complicated to help you here, can you send me an email to info@thehighschooldays.com ? We have to check why the Gala scene is not triggering.
Esse jogo e maravilhoso ele me fez esquecer o summertime saga so espero que ele tenha mais cenas pelo menos uma 10 cenas para cada personagem no futuro se possivel
ok, imma just list these bugs hoping the creator sees it because I'm really annoyed with these bugs.
1. Principal keeps calling even though i went to her office multiple time it still triggers
2. Gala party invitations are missing, the game says to save the game when inviting people but when i do and i try to invite for example Chloe, the options goes missing. To be specific, when i was about to ask chloe for the gala party i saved the game so i can return for the other but when i reloaded the save file the option vanishes.
Before saving:
Want to go out?
Want to go to the gala party?
After saving:
Want to go out?
3. Jessica's meet up at the beach around 9pm keeps triggering for me.
4. Went on a date with both Frida and Chloe yet it in the To-do list it keeps saying to date them
5. Gala party (again)
The to-do list keeps saying to invite someone at the party but the options are not showing (similar to No.#2 ) i went to the beach to meet jessica but as soon as the MC sleeps for the next day and try to invite someone, the options are not available
At the Fix-Release on v0.92 the only problem i had on that version was frida but in this version it's pretty annoying and unplayable considering i restarted for about 6 times now just to get those options to invite some but it keeps vanishing after sleeping for the next day and i had to stop because it's pissing me the hell out.
I really hope this gets fixed soon because i like the art even though willy looks like he was drawn by a 6th grader who's an anime fan.
Still can't unlock Gingers house even with update. It gives no dialouge options to date her, nor any prompts to find her house. Task list still just says "Keep going on dates with Ginger" even though i havent dated her once. Only dialouge choice she presents is "Bye." If the only solution is to start over, that is annoying as hell. Either that or it needs to be more clear where you have to go and what you have to do, this game has way too much guess work even with the task list.
The "Convince" Latisha massage quest is broken. Stamina is always at zero preventing progress. I have progressed past several Sundays and the stamina never refills/resets for this particular quest.
Hello, this was a recurring bug we had... I tought it was already fixed... that's why we added a function that allows the player to skip applying the oil, does the option appearts to you before starting the minigame?
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Hi, I have a bug where it just says "take a sit" when doing the coffee shop mission but the shop itself is closed so I can't get inside, I accidentally pressed to do my shift and saved the game stupidly, so can't go back and the auto save is just on the page where I started the shift too. Do I need to restart the game?
Well, since there isnt a locked function, you can probably just go to sleep, and go to Emmas coffee shop next day, theoretically it should work although it is not the way it was intended, hehehe!
Hi, sadly it is locked,.you can't go anywhere other than the coffee shop or else it comes up with a text saying "take a sit" so the game physically cannot continue. I will just stop playing as I spent too much time haha
Hey, accidentally skipped the first Ashley date, and now I cannot get it ti re trigger. Is there any way i can fix this?
Hello, sorry but no, Ashley story is that she is a very shy girl and any mistake will permanently close her story, if you miss a date, her story will end. So you will need to load a previously saved game.
mim responder ai saber por que nao tem traducao em portugues
olá! Peço desculpas mas nenhum membro da nossa equipe fala português para poder fazer uma tradução.
Por que nso tem atraducao em portugues por que tem espanho e a gente nao fala espanho cara ou nao cara
guessing their isn't any cheat code's?
Hi! The only cheat the game has is that, in the paid version you can ask for $100 to your dad daily, which is a great help when you start the game. And the paid version has the option to skip any minigame.
Hola que tal! Estoy jugando la version 0.13 en android... y tengo un problema con la historia de Frida! Pregunto a todos en la escuela por sus gustos excepto a Willy ya que no me da nunca esa opcion... puedo avanzar con el resto de historias (Darkness, la Gala, incluso Kana) pero con Frida no... empece una nueva partida y aparentemente pasa lo mismo... alguna ayuda?
Buenas tardes, una disculpa por la tardanza... Primero tienes que preguntarle a Chloe, despues a Willy.
Ребят у меня проблемы, мне Вильям не хочет говорить, где находится адрес Джинджер, и я спросил у Тары, прежде чем пойти к Вильяму
Загрузите новую версию 0.133.
Ага значит начать все сначала... ну, как говорилось 1 легенде "ah, shit, here we go again"
Si compro el juego ahora que está la versión 0.132, ¿cuando salga una nueva actualización tengo que volver a comprarlo?
Sip... las actualizaciones son cada 40 o 50 días... Si lo haces a través de Patreon, es un dolar mensual
Nueba actualización por favor
Ready! :)
Игра шикарна, но жаль что нет русского языка, но если идти на право к Эшли, то можно увидеть уникальный феномен под названием "что за чувак по имени фил?" его можно получить если не начинать вечеринку в лесу. А так, жду русский язык чтобы не ломать голову из-за переводчика)
P.S. Кстати мои замечания обновите модели "меча главного героя" сделать его более анемичным и красивым, просто глаз режется сильно, сделать его как профессиональный хентай художники, а так спасибо за игру)))
Мы используем Google Translate, чтобы отправить вам это сообщение, поэтому извините, если оно выглядит неправильно.
Мы очень ценим ваш комментарий, мы хотели бы перевести игру на разные языки, но к сожалению у нас нет человека, который мог бы это сделать, так как диалогов тысячи строк. И они постоянно обновляются.
Что касается другого вашего комментария, те, кто рисует персонажей, имеют большой опыт, но иногда адаптация его к тому, что мы ищем в игре, усложняет их и получается не так, как мы хотим, даже в этом случае мы всегда стремимся к улучшению и Примите комментарии, которые оставляют нам игроки. Они делают это, чтобы улучшить нашу работу. За что мы Вам большое спасибо и примем Ваше сообщение во внимание.
Большое спасибо!!
благодарю вас за ответ!
please help me i'm stuck on jessie's mission the game asked to go to the beach on wednesday at 9pm but she hasn't done anything wrong
Hello! is't a bit complicated to help you here, can you send me an email to info@thehighschooldays.com ? We have to check why the Gala scene is not triggering.
Or do you have discord? Join us-> https://thsd.fun/discord
Esse jogo e maravilhoso ele me fez esquecer o summertime saga so espero que ele tenha mais cenas pelo menos uma 10 cenas para cada personagem no futuro se possivel
Eventualmente todos eles terão muitas cenas :D
Usando o Google tradutor para isso:
Qual é o erro que você recebe? Temos registros de que várias pessoas baixaram o jogo e não nos disseram que tiveram problemas com o download.
Sobre o erro que tive de instalaçao jogo ja consegui resolve obrigado pela atençao
ok, imma just list these bugs hoping the creator sees it because I'm really annoyed with these bugs.
1. Principal keeps calling even though i went to her office multiple time it still triggers
2. Gala party invitations are missing, the game says to save the game when inviting people but when i do and i try to invite for example Chloe, the options goes missing. To be specific, when i was about to ask chloe for the gala party i saved the game so i can return for the other but when i reloaded the save file the option vanishes.
Before saving:
Want to go out?
Want to go to the gala party?
After saving:
Want to go out?
3. Jessica's meet up at the beach around 9pm keeps triggering for me.
4. Went on a date with both Frida and Chloe yet it in the To-do list it keeps saying to date them
5. Gala party (again)
The to-do list keeps saying to invite someone at the party but the options are not showing (similar to No.#2 ) i went to the beach to meet jessica but as soon as the MC sleeps for the next day and try to invite someone, the options are not available
At the Fix-Release on v0.92 the only problem i had on that version was frida but in this version it's pretty annoying and unplayable considering i restarted for about 6 times now just to get those options to invite some but it keeps vanishing after sleeping for the next day and i had to stop because it's pissing me the hell out.
I really hope this gets fixed soon because i like the art even though willy looks like he was drawn by a 6th grader who's an anime fan.
Still can't unlock Gingers house even with update. It gives no dialouge options to date her, nor any prompts to find her house. Task list still just says "Keep going on dates with Ginger" even though i havent dated her once. Only dialouge choice she presents is "Bye." If the only solution is to start over, that is annoying as hell. Either that or it needs to be more clear where you have to go and what you have to do, this game has way too much guess work even with the task list.
Also, on the android version at least the video gallery doesn't show up. Only the pictures do.
Where do I have to go on date Ginger? On the day of the meeting I go everywhere and nothing happens.
Please download the latest version... :)
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The "Convince" Latisha massage quest is broken. Stamina is always at zero preventing progress. I have progressed past several Sundays and the stamina never refills/resets for this particular quest.
Hello, this was a recurring bug we had... I tought it was already fixed... that's why we added a function that allows the player to skip applying the oil, does the option appearts to you before starting the minigame?
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The only two options prior to the minigame are 'Just Chatting' and 'Want me to put some oil on?'
Mmm weird... where are you playing? Mobile? PC? Mac?
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PC; its also entirely possible the save is causing the issue as it was a save I have carried forward for a few updates.
I was noticing the message minigame was broken before I had the "Convince" Latisha quest.
Try downloading this save file and put it in your game, it should place the game right before asking Jessie for the tickets.
To locate the safe files, check this page: https://savelocation.net/renpy